CT and guest call *et designs*

By Erika T. - 10:55 AM

Hi girls !

Sooo, here is time, when I start CT permanent and guest CALL
It's so simply, if you love digiscrapbook and would you like to be in our team, please email me to etdesigns16@yahoo.com with link to your DST gallery or your most gallery).
1-2 layout per new kit ( 2kits per month ) and post them to 3 galleries. (1 DST and 2 by your choice)

there's no call for you to worry, if your English is not very well my English is not the best too.
Let's go girls


Ahoj dievcata.

Vyhlasujem velky CT a hostovaci call.
Podmienky :
1-2 lo z noveho kitu (2 kity za mesiac) a dat aspon do 3 galeriek, 1 DST jedna pickleberry pop a tretia podla vasho vyberu. Ak vas tieto podmienky zaujali staci mi napisat mail na etdesigns16@yahoo.com s linkom na vasu dst galerku resp. najvacsiu galeriu.

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